Who We Are

We specialize in the development and implementation of strategic programs and methodologies that drive performance for companies, teams, brands, and institutions. We ensure that our transformative solutions not only get results, but align with our client’s ethos and core values.

Mark Dodd: Founder/CEO

With a background in psychology from Duke University, former professional athlete and successful entrepreneur, Mark Dodd founded LOFTED to provide clients a different experience than traditional advisors and consultants. Dodd’s background in the sports and business worlds has provided him with expertise in methodologies, complex licensing agreements, on-demand innovation, and mindset development programs.

At LOFTED, we believe everything can be improved

We take a deep understanding of your organization combined with our unique outside perspective to see things you simply cannot. We identify issues before they become costly problems and develop customized, lasting solutions that allow you to grow, scale and thrive for the long term. We understand that people are the engine behind every organization and that having cohesive strategies and the right systems in place bring out their best. At LOFTED, your mission becomes our obsession!


We create innovative formulas that translate ideas into effective plans of action.


Be it developing strategies, designs, or ideas, true innovation is what changes trajectories.


Building teams goes beyond simple pep talks. We create systems that empower your people and provide them a roadmap for success.

Competitive Landscape

Understanding the competition allows us to tailor solutions so you can rapidly adjust to shifts in the environment and stay ahead of the game.

Outside Perspective

Understanding your needs from an outside perspective gives us the ability to see things differently and shift focus to the right areas.

Core Alignment

We believe that people and organizations perform best when their objectives align with their ethos and core beliefs.


Our involvement ranges from global brands to professional teams, organizations, startups, and Fortune 500 companies. Over the last two decades, our insight has helped them by providing strategies and ideas that provide genuine lasting value. Knowing our clients’ goals allows us to design transformative programs that escalate performance, build teamwork, unify objectives, and change trajectories. Our cross-discipline experience lets us create innovative solutions custom-tailored to your specific needs.

Clients and Collaborations

Elevate Your Performance!